About Us
We are proud to be educating on Darkinjung land and acknowledge our diverse community
We encourage children to appreciate and respect each other, fostering an environment that values inclusion and collaboration through appreciation of each other’s unique culture, interests and diverse abilities.
Childhood is a significant time of life and children need time to just be
Play is central to our educational and pedagogical practices. Play promotes meaningful learning that makes sense to children through hands on exploration, investigation and meaningful expression.
Nature is embraced – inside, outside and beyond
As children immerse themselves in nature, their well-being is nurtured and strengthened to become confident, curious, resourceful and resilient individuals. We embed sustainable practice to promote children’s responsibility to protect and care for the future of our world.
It takes a community to raise a child
By building strong connections with families and the community, we are able to draw upon their skills, knowledge and experience to enrich our preschool program.
Educators who are a team of professionals
As educator’s we acknowledge and draw upon each other’s strengths, diversity, knowledge and professional experience. We believe in advocating for children’s rights and for our Early Childhood profession.
Wellbeing is valued and supported
By providing an environment that is positive, inclusive and fosters a growth mindset, we aim to support children, families and educators in their emotional wellness, and resilience to achieve their best positive mental health.

Our Vision for Reconciliation
Wyong Preschool is committed to reconciliation. We respect the land on which we stand, Darkinjung Land, which is surrounded by bushland, waterways, wildlife, and culture.
We recognise, value, and celebrate the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and aim to embed Aboriginal perspectives in the early years of children's lives. Our vision is to provide a culturally safe and welcoming environment, where children participate equally in quality early childhood education and care.
Reconciliation requires us to value these histories to guide us in building and developing trusting relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and work towards a contemporary Australia that respects and values the diversity, inclusion, and knowledge of our First Nations. It stands against racism, welcomes equality and participation, and removes barriers for participation.
We aim to work with our local community to meet the needs of children and families. We aim to give all children and families equal opportunities to reach their potential, building a strong sense of cultural identity and sense of belonging.
Reconciliation involves learning true and authentic histories of our countries First Peoples. Listening to, and learning the history allows us to learn of Aboriginal language, the arts, spirituality, law, and customs, and include these perspectives in our everyday lives and experiences.
Environmental Sustainability Philosophy
At Wyong Preschool we embrace our traditional land owners’ beliefs and practices in respecting and caring for our environment and country. This strengthens our connection and belonging to the stories of our land.

We believe in caring for our environment, learning to maintain our resources and eco-logical systems for future generations. This empowers our future generations to embrace the leadership role as "Eco warriors". We aim to involve both individuals and the community in participating in sustainable practices.
As educators for sustainability we aim to promote respect and appreciation for the wonder of nature and all life cycles. We value our place within the environment and understand our need to protect and care for our planet.
Educational Program
Wyong Preschool embraces the principles and practices of the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) as a foundation to our play based teaching philosophy.
This Framework has been designed to extend and enrich children’s learning, maximize their potential and develop a foundation for future success in learning. It has a specific emphasis on interest-based, strengths-based and play-based learning and encourages children to be active and engaged learners exploring their world with confidence.
The EYLF describes childhood as a time of belonging, being and becoming. The most important part of “belonging” to our preschool community is feeling included, accepted and valued for “being” who we are; this in turn allows us to “become” confident, capable and independent people within our community.

Wyong Preschool educators are committed to equity believing in all children’s ability to succeed.
Our preschool provides an inclusive environment where children have the right to be treated equally and our aim is to develop children’s identity and self-esteem in a trusting and supportive environment. Our preschool embraces diversity in all its forms to help develop positive and accepting attitudes in children, and to help them gain a better understanding of their environment, community, country, and the world.
Our preschool aims to build connections and relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and elders in the community. These connections will assist children, educators and families to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, identity, histories, cultures and places of significance in the local community.
Our preschool values the importance of building strong connections with families and the community to ensure best possible outcomes for all children. Educators recognise that families are children’s first and most influential teacher’s and work collaboratively with families so that they are involved in shared decision-making about their child’s wellbeing and learning.
Our educators support each child and family in their transition to school. We promote a positive start at school for every child by completing Transition to School Statements and liaising with local schools throughout the year.
Our Team
Our team at Wyong Preschool are passionate about providing the highest quality education for all children.
The preschools employs highly qualified educators with many years’ experience in early education. We pride ourselves on staff longevity and consistency. Our educators engage in regular professional development to keep up to date with current research, practice and pedagogy.

Education and Care Quality Rating

The NSW Department of Education:
"Wyong Preschool Kindergarten Association Incorporated goes beyond the requirements of the National Quality Standard in at least four of the seven quality areas."